Alternative & Holistic Health Service · Personal Coach
Personal and Spiritual Growth
At Heal This Life NZ, I understand that life’s challenges can have an impact on your sense of well-being and purposefulness. As a Licensed & Certified Life Coach, I am here to support you to empower yourself to realise your full potential. I will show you how to move forward in a mindful and intentional manner.
My Life Purpose
I have been a healer all my life, and I have worked as a health professional for 22 years and a energy healer for 10 years. I love working with people one to one. All that I do whether its in a professional capacity or as healer, My Purpose is to be 'in-service'.
My Purpose is also to Inspire, Support and Empower People to make positive life changes so they can create the Life they want, and achieve their goals.
I am a Heal Your Life Coach and Workshop Leader, based on the philosophies and techniques by Louise L Hay
'You Can Heal Your Life’, and an Assertiveness Coach based on the philosophies and teachings by Doreen Virtue.
I also offer Nutritional & Naturopath Coaching so you can learn to Nourish and Heal Your Body.
I am a trained practitioner in Access Consciousness BARS® for development of Consciousness and Awareness.
'Learn to have a Life of Ease, Joy and Glory'
Inspire Support Empower
I offer a variety of coaching services to empower you to make positive life changes, so you can create the life you want and achieve your goals. I will help you identify your personal values, strengths, and abilities in support of your personal and professional goals. Contact me to see how I can help you develop different perspectives and achieve the outcomes you’re striving for.
Coaching services:
Assertiveness Coaching
Heal Your Life Coaching
Nutritional & Naturopathic Coaching for health & wellness development.
"All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory""
Heal this Life NZ.BARS
I am a Certified Access Consciousness BARS®
practitioner and I offer Access Consciousness® BARS treatments.
Access BARS(R) allows you to perceive your life, body and relationships with more clarity and ease.
Access BARS(R) is used to wake up the body, dissipate toxins, stimulate healing capacities inherent to the body and can eliminate physical dis-ease, psychological trauma, and many acute and chronic conditions.
“At the worst, you will feel as if you just had a great massage.
At best…your whole life will change”
Empowering you towards Achievement
Heal Your Life Coaching is a one-one consultation with someone who wants guidance in making life changes. The life coach assists the client in creating the life they truly desire and achieving life balance.
Heal Your Life Coaching is the same as Life Coaching in other coaching programmes, and there are some important differences. One of the fundamentals of Louise Hay’s work is the Loving yourself is part of the solution, regardless of the part of your life you want to change.
Heal Your Life Coaches promote the development of Inner skills like meditation, visualisation, and affirmations, more than other coaching programs.
Assertiveness Coach
Assertiveness Coaching is based on the philosophies and teachings by Doreen Virtue
Nutritional Coach
Nutritional & Naturopath Coaching for you to learn to Nourish and Heal Your Body.
Mind, Body and Spiritual Healing
Reiki Practitioner
Reiki a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
Reiki Practitioner
Angel Reiki & Angel Healing Therapy. Diploma (s)
Centre of Excellence: IAHT AND IANLPC Certification.
I am also a Licensed and Certified CACR® tutored by Doreen Virtue (Radleigh Valentine): Hay House
Louise L Hay
"Life Loves Me"
Contact me today for more information, and or to schedule your next session.
37 Clare Road Christchurch New Zealand 8014